Cognitive Leap

Data Analyst, 2016 - present

My team works with VR data from the HTC Vive to analyze and predict ADHD in children. Examining variation in hand, foot, and head motions and rotations between healthy and diagnosed ADHD kids. Eventually will create a Machine Learning based model for predicting likelihood of having ADHD.


Data Science Intern, Summer 2017

Given cross-sectional customer data from a bank, I used various oversampling methods (ADASYN, SMOTE) to create a completely synthetic dataset that maintained the same statistics, distributions, and feature correlations as the original data. I used my synthetic financial data to train models in predicting customer churn. I also worked on a POC in which I used the Ayasdi data visualization platform and my synthetic data in order to test what sample size is a good representation of a full population.


Intern, Summer 2014, Summer 2017

I worked on the Fusion Release Engineering Team on two POC ideas for the Visual Build Project. I used D3 software, Javascript, and HTML/CSS to create a build visualizer that the team later utilized. I also increased build efficiency by making a method for Ant targets to directly update the NoSQL database.